Friday, December 12, 2014

Clueless, Brain Damage, Blogging and Condiments. Follow the Map, She Says....

Do I really have any clue what I am doing here? 

Nope! But I am trying to do it my way for a change.

Along with following some advice that I have read from other bloggers. The biggest problem I seem to have is that my brain is not directly attached to my blog writer. Of course, I would prefer my brain remain inside my head, but you get the idea. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Random Suggestions for Mothers 1st Edition The Vomit Bucket Story

Well, That Is Kind of Gross, But....

I raised three kids that I actually gave birth to myself. I also raised a daughter that I was gifted with when she was five. Then there are the teenagers I picked up along the way who called me "Mom". That makes for a lot of kids. So I picked up a few tricks. 

But my memory sucks worse than my mom's old Dustbuster.
So I figure I will just post them as Random Suggestions for Mothers whenever I remember them.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What do you mean "Get my morals in order?" Twitter and blogging attack questions

Angry Twitter Replies?

I recently posted on Twitter what I thought were a couple of fairly innocuous Tweets concerning how social media was handling the Eric Garner hashtags. 

I had posted a blog that I wrote without doing a lot of Twitter research, because it was about how I felt. I ended with the comment that All Lives Matter, only to find out on Twitter that a whole lot of people agreed. My ending line was popular and I wasn't the first to think of it. Duh, not so brilliant after all.